박병대비뇨기과 로고

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급성 음낭 질환에 대한 색 도플러 초음파 검사의 유용성
이름 : 박병대비뇨기과
대한비뇨기과학회 논문조회


구 분 1-2
저 자 Byung Dae Park, Sung-Goo Chang and Soo Eung Chai
소 속 Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
제 목 Color Doppler Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of the Acute Scrotum
급성 음낭 질환에 대한 색 도플러 초음파 검사의 유용성
초 록
Color Doppler ultrasonography was performed in 41 patients with the acute onset of scrotal pain. of the 32 cases of 33 inflammatory diseases( epididymitis n=19, epididymo-orchitis n=12, orchitis n=1) color Doppler image demonstrated increased epididymal or testicular flow. Color Doppler ultrasonography correctly predicted the need for surgery in 5 of 9 operated patients and correctly predicted the outcome in all 32 nonoperated patients. In the two cases of 3 detorsions which were evident in color Doppler ultrasonography was incorrectly diagnosed with testis scintigraphy. Color Doppler ultrasonography is more effective than testis scintigraphy. Results show that color Doppler ultrasonography helps accurately correlate anatomy and perfusion in real time and may prove to be the definitive imaging technique for the diagnostic evaluation of the acute scrotum.

키 워 드 Color doppler ultrasonography, acute scrotum.
색도플러초음파, 급성음낭질환
출처 KJU - KJU 1994;35:172-176
등록일 : 2002-03-07

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